Tag Archives: Search Engines

Search engines use a combination of technologies and algorithms to crawl websites effectively and index their content. Here are the key technologies involved in the web crawling process: Web Crawlers (Web Spiders or Web Bots): Search engines deploy automated programs known as web crawlers or web spiders to traverse the internet and visit websites. These crawlers start at a few known web pages and follow links to discover new pages. They continuously move through websites, downloading web pages and parsing their content. HTTP/HTTPS Protocol: Web crawlers use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to request web pages from web servers. This protocol allows them to send requests for specific URLs and retrieve the corresponding HTML and other resources (e.g., images, stylesheets, scripts). Robots.txt: Websites can include a robots.txt file that provides instructions to web crawlers about which pages or sections of the site should not be crawled. Web crawlers respect these…

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